번호, 제목, 내용, 글쓴이, 등록일, 조회 상세정보 입니다.
Season Summer
Period 10 August 2021 (solar calendar)
Introduction "Malbok" (末伏), which literally means "last dog day," is one of the three hottest summer days, collectively known as the "Sambok." It is the first Gyeong Day (庚日) after "Ipchu."

Malbok (末伏), Last Dog Day or the Tail End of Summer Heat

"Malbok" (末伏), which literally means "last dog day," is one of the three hottest summer days, collectively referred to as the "Sambok." It is the first Gyeong Day (庚日) after "Ipchu." The two other hottest days of summer are "Chobok," the third Gyeong Day (庚日), and "Jungbok (中伏)," the fourth Gyeong Day (庚日) after "Haji," the summer solstice. The "Sambok" are also called "Samgyeongil" (三庚日), literally meaning the "three Gyeong days."

신안의 민어잡이
신안의 민어잡이
신안의 민어잡이
Catching Croakers in Sinan County, Jeollanam-do

The seasonal food eaten on "Bok" days is called "bokdarim." On "Malbok" people ate white rice porridge, or "Bokjuk," to wish for the rice crop to ripen well, together with a fish soup called "Boksujebi" and the season’s most popular dish, "Mineotang," or croaker soup, which was heavily spiced and boiled with chunks of zucchini.

2009년 촬영한 울산의 삼계탕
2009년 촬영한 울산의 삼계탕
2009년 촬영한 울산의 삼계탕
Samgyetang from Ulsan City, 2009

In the Jeollanam-do region, the most popular seasonal dish is "Maneulgye," or garlic chicken, which is made by adding a lot of garlic to chicken soup. There is a saying that "Three garlic chickens will ward off cold in the coming winter."